Welcome to Open EI
Coaching performance & emotional intelligence for introverts & extroverts in a technology age
“Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail, be the best of whatever you are”
Martin Luther King
‘We live & work in a world
disrupted by technology’
Simon Mathews
My years of experience are in creative businesses that apply data, analytics and technology to achieve growth. I have been the trainee, the CEO and the entrepreneur with my own business. I have managed established, international businesses & I have sat at a desk, with an idea & an empty screen.
I see extrovert-designed businesses, adapting to a digital world, that are increasingly powered by introvert talent who need different ways of working to bring their best.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”
Lao Tzu - Taoist philosopher
There is potential for all of us to lose sight of our destination in our journey.
I believe that every individual can benefit from the opportunity to re-evaluate in a safe & confidential space.
I believe that every organisation can benefit from our differences & that designing inclusive ways of working will raise performance.
In this world I believe that our leaders need the super power of emotional intelligence, to create informed, empowered and empathetic organisations, ready to perform at their very best.
Why Coaching could help you
1 / Context
How can I help you & reflecting back
2 / Powerful Questions
Exploring your ambitions
3 / Thematic
Going deeper into the emerging themes
4 / Change
Leadership models
5 / Reflection & Plan
Your reflections
Working Together
I will ask questions, some will be difficult, be completely open in your response.
Each session will end with reflection and preparation for the next.
If it is relevant, I may occasionally ask you to use a coaching tool.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions & dialogue in-between sessions.